Do Your Clothes Feel Good?
Sexy Scissors
No Dogs No More

Do Your Clothes Feel Good?
Sexy Scissors
No Dogs No More
Lina Suenaert is a Belgian illustrator and painter based in Tokyo, Japan. She self-published three books in collaboration with Sietske Van Aerde. Sietske writes absurd poems and short stories which Lina uses as a base to create her drawings. These were shown and sold in VELVET, a vintage clothing shop in Shimokitazawa Tokyo, as well as at the TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR.
Production and drawings by Lina Suenaert
Text by Sietske Van Aerde
Sexy Scissors
A sexy Scissor
lived in the city.
She was dangerously pointy and very pretty.
She worked in a beauty salon.
She was very mean,
and she had no reason to change, at all.
She was so mean she gave everybody an ugly haircut,
and she would give you a face mask with toxic mud.
She always wanted she herself to look better—
that the customers were sad at their cuts did not matter.
Once, she made somebody’s hair look so bad, that customer was raging mad.
That customer took the Scissor and broke her in two,
but now there were two pieces of Scissor
coming to attack You.
One piece cut her clothes,
the other cut her face,
the mean Scissor even ripped apart her expensive bra made of lace.
Now, that customer with her bad haircut and no clothes ran home,
scared and all alone.
Nobody knows
where the rest of the story goes—
where Ms. Scissor is these days, in which closet she lays,
Nobody knows.
What is sure and true,
is that one needs to be very careful—if you look too good,
she will come for you.
No Dogs No More
Once there was a doggy park in the center of the city.
Everybody went there; it was full of flowers and greenery, so pretty.
It was the most beautiful park you had ever seen.
It had a little river you could see right through because the water was so clear and blue.
There were all kinds of trees; birds, butterflies, and many bees flew there.
The dogs were so happy with this little piece of heaven on earth.
They could run, jump, swim, and roll around in the dirt.
But one day, the park had a little problem that didn’t go away.
It became allergic to the dogs that came to play.
Then, on a sunny spring morning, you could hear a very loud cry.
The park sneezed so hard that all the dogs were bombarded into the sky.
The dogs flew east; the dogs flew west.
One chihuahua landed in a bird's nest.
Some flew high, some flew low.
One flew so far, I think, to the end of the rainbow.
All the dogs were blown away,
So from now on, there are no dogs allowed in the park to play.